Tuesday, February 9, 2010

1933 King Kong Review

I had never seen the original King Kong before, but I have to admit I was impressed. For a movie made in 1933 I have to give Shoedsack and Cooper credit, very good special effects for the time. I think that was the most amazing thing to me about the film. Sure compared to our computer generated monsters of today Kong seems kind of corny, but at the time he was the first scary monster! Which brings me to my next point, were Cooper and Shoedsack protraying Kong as a monster, or an oversized gorilla trying to protect the girl he loved? I don't believe he was a monster on the inside, I think he was just monsterous in size. If you really look at it Kong never wanted to hurt Ann at all, in fact the entire movie was about him protecting her from all the monsters on the island. I think Ann screamed a lot because obviously she was scared, but I'm sure in the end when Kong fell to his death, Ann felt sorry for him. So he trashed the city, and ate a couple people, that doesn't put him in the scary monster category automatically does it? I would have trashed the city too if I was chained up in front of a crowd for all to see. The only reason Kong trashed the city was because he wanted his Ann, and was in fear that she was in danger. If you look back to the island scenes, you can see all the things Kong did to protect Ann.First of all Kong had been giveen many wives before, but he didn't like them, so he killed them. If he was just a heartless monster then he wouldn't have taken fancy to Ann, he would have killed her just like the others. In the woods that T-rex would have eaten Ann alive if it wasn't for Kong. Kong wrestled the oversized lizard until the end when he skillfully broke the t- rexs jaw so he wouldn't be able to harm Ann again. Then Jack and crew were trying to steal Ann from him. Kong just saw them as another threat to Ann so he did away with them too. When they were cornered on that log he lifted it and rocked it until all the sailors fell into the spider pit! Then as you know Jack escaped and followed Kong into the cave where yet again he protected Ann from a snake lizard creature. So make your own opinion i guess.

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